Sunday 1 February 2015

What Shape is Colour?

One of my recent projects was working with London based design team, Antoni and Alison. They set us the brief of, "What Shape is Colour". It was an extremely creative brief which was almost limitless apart from a few rules. Firstly you could only use one method of mark-making and secondly you could only use one colour. After tossing ideas around I thought about instead of using a physical shape what about a concept? I then settled on the idea of colour is changeable. What then first sparked my interest was when I was walking around Camden markets in London, I seen these wind catchers and they interested my straight away, as in my head they defined changeability. Below I have shown my design process.


The original video that started the design process.


Starting to create my replica's of the wind catchers.


Development Drawings.


Edited Video of my own work.


Playing with projections on the body.


Fashion Line-Up


Final Design.


Final Product.

My final outcome was really conceptual but I was pleased with how I created it.  All the videos and images were created myself and the Photo Shoot was a last minute creation down an alley! 

What do you guys think?